Brian found himself wandering through life without much of a plan.
Living with his parents in government housing at the age of 30 with a criminal conviction in his past, the future did not look too bright for Brian. With a nudge from friends who believed that Reset could propel him to a better life, Brian reluctantly took a chance.
Brian had to start at the bottom—
Cleaning the streets of Covington through a work program collaboration developed by Reset, Life Learning Center, and the Covington Business Council. He learned how to become a steady worker and developed a new identity with the Biblical truth that he gained at the Reset House. He started believing that his Heavenly Father had a beautiful plan for his life. He eventually went on an international mission trip, secured a great job at Coca-Cola, and became the third graduate of the Reset House. Brian earned a promotion at Coca-Cola and was transferred to North Carolina. He hopes to marry the godly woman that he is dating (Jenn) and is plugged into a great church there. He still keeps in touch with Reset on a regular basis.