Kathleen Bachman has been a biblical counselor for Reset for almost three years. Though trained as an accountant, she studied, read her Bible more, and took a training course in biblical counseling.
Kathleen sees herself as more of a discipler than a counselor. She said, “I help people see themselves a new creation, to know who they are in Christ.” When she was urged to volunteer at Reset as a biblical counselor, she started going
to the room at the Reset Ministries women’s house two days a week to pray. Women there started coming in to talk, sharing their stories. The Holy Spirit guided her to address each woman in a way she could most easily relate to.
Kathleen wants the women to know that their sessions provide a safe space to laugh, cry, or question God. She says that this opportunity has positively affected her as much as the residents. She said, “I get to see firsthand God’s power to redeem and restore as these women lay down burdens they’ve carried for a lifetime.”
Kathleen touches the lives of the residents in powerful ways. Reset is blessed to have such a spiritually strong and resourceful biblical counselor.