What Makes Reset Different?

•  Reset is not a stand-alone theoretical program or a sober-living house with little to no program to produce change, but a residential program that combines a transformative program with the environment to walk out that transformation in everyday situations.

•  Reset receives no government funding, which means less restrictions and no drain on taxpayers

•  Volunteers are a blend of people who have walked in the shoes of addiction and recovery as well as compassionate people who offer their time, talents, and experience

•  Reset offers beautiful, dignified housing that residents are proud to call home

Recovery in Newport Kentucky

Compare Reset to the typical sober living house or rehab facilitity and you'll see the difference.


Sober Living Houses: Average Rent Of $500 per month

Rehabilitation Treatment Centers: Thousands of dollars per month paid either by resident's family or taxpayers

Reset: Rent of $500/month with matching resident savings