Sober Living in Cincinnati, OH

Brokenness and vulnerability can come from many places. Often, we see people who come to us that have experienced brokenness in their childhood or early adult life. Pain and suffering that has exposed them to people or circumstances that are not healthy.

They are vulnerable to these influences and often end up making bad choices. When we dig a little deeper into their choices we learn that they have never been equipped with the life skills to handle conflict and adversity. Their vulnerability stems from a lack of family, community, and support.

As we work with residents at Reset we want to help them shift their thinking and learn new life skills. A big part of growing is learning a new way to be vulnerable as described in scripture.

James 5:16: “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

This process can be therapeutic and healing. But learning this level of vulnerability takes time, patience and practice for the residents. What we pray for is that by leaning into Gods word they find healing in places they typically had found only darkness.